Luminance Irradiance DEF

휘도, 조도, 광도

광원을 분석할 때 광원의 휘도 또는 조도를 측정하고자 하는 경우가 많습니다. 휘도는 인지된 밝기와 상관관계가 있으며 m²당 cd로 표시되는 반면 조도는 평방 미터당 lux 또는 lumen으로 표시되고 는 표면을 비추는 빛의 양을 의미합니다.

Neo Prometheus Viewfinder Asteria
Spectral color analysis 스펙트럼분석 yes yes
Dominant & peak wavelength yes yes
Luminance & illuminance 휘도& 조도 yes Luminance yes
Luminous intensity 광도 Cosine corrector Cosine corrector Cosine corrector
Flicker 깜박임 yes
저휘도 yes

How are you measuring?

With fibers and other accessories even more type of measurements are possible. Often used accessories are integrating spheres, cuvettes for fluids, light sources or filter holders.

Consumers are used to enjoy top-quality displays in their mobile phones, tablets, laptops and even cars. Emerging technologies such as lighting surfaces for office and home illumination are expected to look equally perfect. Both displays and luminous surfaces are the main application areas for imaging colorimeters.