With dedicated steps from 2022 to 2023…
After two years with limited options to meet with our customers we enjoyed a year 2022 where we had the chance to connect directly again.

Connecting, educating and informing
Looking back we are glad that we could participate in trade shows and conferences all over the world: Display Week, electronic display Conference, Laser World of Photonics, IMID, IC-Display, Optics and Photonics Congress, Dutch Photonics Event, Eurodisplay but also online events like Biophotonics Conference or giving seminars at universities and supporting the Maastricht University Challenge were great options this year.
About series and ‘families’
To be able to cover the needs of our growing customer base we created new measurement solutions. The new Neo spectrometer series and our updated Prometheus display measurement series are perfect high-end solutions for demanding applications which our customers value very much.
Not only our product portfolio grew. We were lucky to extended our ‘Admesy family’ and welcome several new colleagues, both in the headquarter as well in our Asian offices. We are especially pleased that we could open an office in Japan as well. And our growth does not stop here. Check out our career opportunities we have.
Close to the end of the year a nice surprise was the nomination of our CTO Ruud Bouten as one of the industry’s most innovative persons being selected for Photonics100.

Looking out for 2023
For 2023 we hope China will be more open again as well. We are looking forward to see our Chinese customers and colleagues in ‘real life’ soon. We will attend also several trade shows and conferences like Photonics West, electronic display Conference, Display Week, Laser World of Photonics and more.
“In 2023 exciting new products will be released in all our product families.”
Last not least we are keen on introducing several new products in 2023. Look out for our new offers in the Neo spectrometer and Prometheus display measurement series. But let surprise you with even more solutions to address measurements needs in various industries.